author - humorist
spoken word performer
I am an author and speaker with expertise in relationships and dating, seasoned by the midlife invisibility cloak society throws over us, sharing humorous tales of women’s secrets and desires.
Somewhere in the years between Elaine May and Tina Fey many smart women tried to succeed in stand-up comedy. I was one of them. Decades before Sarah Silverman or Amy Poehler were household names, or Amy Schumer claimed the comedy stage for women, I was in my slinky black jumpsuit and permed hair with over-rehearsed material, trying to break into a boy’s club. Boy, was I naïve...
I started in comedy at the wrong time, in a world where timing is everything.
Now I’ve come back to the stage, decades later, new jokes, smarter and wiser.
So join me for a riotous romp through the hidden sex lives of today’s “mature” woman and I hope you’ll enjoy exploring my website.
The Last Place She'd Look